Event Schedule

Neutron Rich Matter on Heaven and Earth


Program talks will take place in C421.

All time info. is in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7); please convert accordingly.

The information listed below is tentative and is subject to change. Some titles are used as placeholders.

Please note: By attending a program talk, participants agree to abide by the INT Code of Conduct



Week 2

Monday, July 18, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides Video
Prospects for binary neutron star observations and their impact on the equation of state Reed Essick Perimeter Institute Virtual PDF mp4
Mass-radius constraints on the EOS using phase-resolved X-ray observations of neutron stars including prospects for X-ray polarimetry Tuomo Salmi University of Amsterdam Virtual PDF mp4
Role of thermal pions in the bulk viscosity of nuclear matter in neutron star mergers Steven Harris Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person PDF
Gravitational Waves from accretion-driven thermal mountains in magnetized neutron stars Thomas Hutchins University of Southampton In-person
Where Is The Love? The dynamical tides of rotating neutron stars Fabian Gittins University of Southampton In-person PDF

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides Video
The future of the neutron-skin program at FRIB Ritu Kanungo Saint Mary’s University Virtual mp4
Prospects for detecting continuous GW sources from neutron stars Ian Jones University of Southampton In-person PDF mp4
Evidence for a tetra-neutron Meytal Duer TU Darmstadt Virtual PDF
Impact of the equation of state on neutron star oscillation f-, p- and g- modes Tianqi Zhao Ohio University In-person PDF
Correlating density scales in nuclear models Isaac Legred CalTech In-person PDF

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides Video
Theoretical modeling of neutron star cooling and the relation to the equation of state Edward Brown Michigan State University In-person PDF mp4
The future of the neutron-skin program at MESA Concettina Sfienti Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz Virtual PDF mp4
Possible baryon number violation in neutron stars Mohammadreza Zakeri University of Kentucky Virtual PDF
Multimessenger resonant shattering flares to constrain the symmetry energy near saturation density David Tsang University of Bath Virtual PDF
Constraints on the EOS from the nuclear symmetry energy Betty Tsang Michigan State University In-person

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides Video
Insights into the equation of state from various GW/EM observational techniques Sharon Morsink University of Alberta Virtual PDF mp4
Theoretical advances and uncertainty quantification of neutron-star properties Christian Drischler Michigan State University In-person PDF mp4

Friday, July 22, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides Video
Why and how pQCD constrains the EoS at neutron-star densities Aleksi Kurkela University of Stavanger Virtual PDF mp4
Equation of state developments for nuclear matter Achim Schwenk TU Darmstadt In-person PDF mp4