Nuclear matter in mergers: the quest for equilibrium

S@INT Seminar

In a neutron star merger, nuclear matter experiences dramatic changes in temperature and density that happen in milliseconds. Mergers therefore probe dynamical properties that may help us uncover the phase structure of ultra-dense matter. I will describe some of the relevant material properties, focusing on chemical (beta) equilibration and its consequences such as bulk viscosity and damping of oscillations.


The seminar is on Thursday, March 28 at 9:30 am PT (different time than usual) and is remote only.

This event will take place in the INT seminar room (C-421). All interested graduate students and faculty are invited to attend.

Participants are also welcome to join via Zoom. Zoom link will be available via announcement email, or by contacting prau[at] or yfuji[at]

Mark Alford
Washington University in St. Louis
INT Seminar Room (C421)
Talk Slides
Slides4.32 MB