Solar Fusion Cross Sections III
Alessandra Guglielmetti
Alessandra Guglielmetti

Note to applicants: This workshop will be held in the David Brower Center near the UC Berkeley campus, Berkeley, CA.
A precise understanding of nuclear reactions involved in hydrogen burning is a fundamental requirement for solar and stellar modeling. In the last decade, since the INT workshop Solar Fusion cross sections II took place, the need for accurate stellar and solar models has increased significantly. On the one hand, large-scale astronomical surveys have become the common place for studies of Galactic stellar populations, galactic archaeology, and characterization of exoplanet host stars, among other fields. Moreover, the coming of age of asteroseismology, first with Kepler, now with TESS, and in the mid-term future with PLATO, allows us to study the interior of other stars in a way that had previously only been possible for the Sun.
In the same period, studies of solar neutrinos, mainly due to Borexino, have now produced an almost complete characterization of the solar neutrino spectrum for reactions linked to the pp-chains. And even more recently, Borexino has also produced the first detection of solar neutrinos originating in the CN-cycle. The latter, while marginally relevant for the solar energetics, has a unique potential to probe conditions in the solar core, importantly its metal abundance, as the solar abundance problem remains unresolved. New neutrino results are expected in the next decade. Further work by Borexino will lead to improved measurements of solar CN neutrinos. And at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) it is expected that a 2-kt scintillation detector will map out the low-energy solar neutrinos to high accuracy. SNO+, in its pure-scintillator phase might, as well, yield new solar neutrino results.
Over the last decade, much effort has gone into new experimental and theoretical work on determining nuclear reaction rates and uncertainties, including 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be, 14N(p,gamma)15O, p(p,e+nu)d and 7Be(p,gamma)8B. Also, the ongoing nuclear program at LUNA includes hydrogen burning reactions operating at higher temperatures, e.g. 17,18O(p,alpha)14,15N, 17O(p,gamma)18F, 20,22Ne(p,gamma)21,23Na, 23Na(p,gamma)24Mg.
More than ten years after the previous workshop, there is a renewed need to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of H-burning reaction rates, establish a new set of reference nuclear cross sections for hydrogen burning, and to set up the baseline for theoretical and experimental efforts for the coming decade.
The INT and the Physics Frontier Center N3AS are cosponsoring Solar Fusion III to help organize the community to tackle these important tasks.
When registering, in the COMMENTS section, please indicate your desired working groups, in order of preference. Each participant can take part in three working groups, but please select more than three to facilitate the scheduling.
* WG1 - S11 [1H(p, e+ ν)2H] and theory, extrapolations, radiative corrections, electron capture, neutrino spectra
Conveners: L. Marcucci (Univ. Pisa), J.-W. Chen (Natl. Univ. Taiwan)
* WG2 - Solar neutrino observations, helioseismology, asteroseismology
Conveners: F. Villante (Univ. L'Aquila), A. Serenelli (ICE), H. Robertson (Univ. Washington)
* WG3 - S114 [14N(p, γ)15O]
Conveners: R. James deBoer (Notre Dame U.), Tamás Szücs (ATOMKI)
* WG4 - S12 [2H(p, γ)3He]
Conveners: F. Cavanna (INFN Torino)
* WG5 - S17 [7Be(p, γ)8B]
Conveners: L. Gialanella (Univ. Studi Campania)
* WG6 - S112 [12C(p, γ)13N], other CNO, NeNa
Conveners: R. Depalo (Univ. Milano), Ch. Iliadis (Univ. North Carolina)
* WG7 - S34 [3He(4He, γ)7Be] and S33 [3He(3He, 2p)4He]
Conveners: D. Bemmerer (HZDR), K. Nollett (San Diego State)
* WG8 - New facilities: LUNA-MV, JUNA, NIF, etc
Conveners: M. Aliotta (Univ. Edinburgh), M. Wiescher (Notre Dame Univ.)
* WG9 - Opacity, screening
Conveners: T. Nagayama (Sandia), J. Colgan (Los Alamos), B. Balantekin (UW-Madison)
This list can also be found here:
If you have already registered for this event and did not provide your working group preferences, please send the INT program Coordinator - Megan Baunsgard an email at and she will complete your applicant profile with your list.