Senior Fellows

Sanjay Reddy
Director, Professor
Sanjay Reddy
Director, Professor
Nuclear and neutrino astrophysics: cosmic explosions, neutron stars and quantum many-body theory.

Vincenzo Cirigliano
Senior Fellow, Professor
Vincenzo Cirigliano
Senior Fellow, Professor
Electroweak interactions and symmetry tests. Effective field theory: from nuclei to physics beyond the Standard Model. Neutrino physics.

David Kaplan
Senior Fellow, Professor
David Kaplan
Senior Fellow, Professor
Effective field theory for low-energy nuclear physics; lattice QCD; physics beyond the Standard Model; particle cosmology.

Martin J. Savage (On leave)
Senior Fellow, Professor
Martin J. Savage (On leave)
Senior Fellow, Professor
The Standard Model and Beyond. QCD. Lattice QCD for Low-Energy Nuclear Physics and Fundamental Symmetries. Quantum Computing and Simulation for Field Theories.